My Sister's Business TV

Monday, March 23, 2009

Overcoming Challenges Facing Women in Business

All business owners face certain challenges, but women, because of their gender, often have additional challenges and obstacles that their male peers are less likely to encounter. Working women who have children experience even more demands on time, energy and resources.
But this does not mean women are less successful than men, in fact, statistics show that women are starting businesses at more than twice the rate of male-majority-owned businesses. The growing success rate of women entrepreneurs shows that they are resourceful, and able to succeed, despite the odds.
There are three major areas where women business owners may face challenges, less common to men in business:

Gender Discrimination and Stereotyping Dual Career-Family Pressures
Lack of Equal Opportunities in Certain Industries

How Women Can Overcome Business Challenges
Women often have life skills and natural abilities that are useful in businesses. Women tend to be great networkers, have inherent skills for negotiating, and the ability to multi-task. Single mothers are often good at delegating and budgeting; skills that they rely on to manage their families.
Specific strategies to help women entrepreneurs succeed include:

Create a Strong Network
Consider Certifying as a Women-Owned Business
Understand the Power of the Internet
Learn New Ways to Balance Work and Life
Get Inspiration and Advice From by Other Women Succeeding in Business
Women's Business News: Stay current on issues the present challenges for women in business, and read how other women overcome their own obstacles in the business world.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

This is the intro for our new show. Check it out and let us know what you think.

Creating This Internet TV Show

I am very pleased to be able to present to you our Internet TV show My Sister's Business. This show is produced through my parent company Sister Inc. Sister Inc is a business training and resource company whose focus is on helping women start and grow their business.

Technology is opening up a lot of doors for many small businesses out there. This is one of the reasons we decided to bring you this Internet TV show, that we could lead by example. We want to show other small business owners how to leverage the Internet and all it has to offer to grow businesses beyond their wildest imagination or expectations.

Entrepreneurs today have a wealth of information at their fingertips yet many of them are still missing the boat when it comes to leveraging the Internet and including it as a part of their marketing plan. We are hoping to change that. So we hope that you find our blog helpful and inspirational.
