My Sister's Business TV

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Women Who Serve Women

On Saturday May 9, 2009 Kiwan Fitch, Executive Director of My Sistahz Keeper, Angel Maria Cruz, Mary Kay Independent Consultant and Audrey Bell-Kearney, President of Sister Inc. came together in honor of Mother's Day to share some inspiration with the women of Kintock, which is a half-way house for women who are on their way home after being incarcerated. The morning started out with each of the women telling these women about their story and ended with them sharing refreshments and inspiring last thoughts about how they can do what they want in life if they want it bad enough. The women were given gift provided by other women who made a donation so that they could have some of the Mary Kay products offered by Angel. Audrey gave away books that she authored on how to start a business and how to self-publish your own book. The food for this event was sponsored by sorrority Zeta Phi Beta. This was a great collaboration from women who serve women to help make women who have had a little bad luck feel good about who they are and letting them know that their past does not determine their future.
Audrey Bell-Kearney

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Motivate Yourself

I have so much on my plate that sometimes it's hard for me stay motivated. I feel so overwhelmed. So when this happens I just stop what I am doing and look at online videos that are motivating and inspiring. This really help to get me back in the grove of things. Another thing that i do is to read good books with inspiring stories. Just knowing that there are people out there doing what I want to do helps to motivate me. I listen to songs that inspire me. Most of the time the songs that inspire me are certain rap songs. So I am sharing this with you to let you know that when you are down in the dumps watch an inspiring video, read an inspiring book or listen to a motivating song to help you get going again.
Until Next Time
Much Success